Thursday, 28 February 2013

Life Lesson by Maya Angelou

“There were people who went to sleep last night, 
poor and rich and white and black, 
but they will never wake again. 

And those dead folks would give anything at all 
for just five minutes of this weather 
or ten minutes of plowing. 

So you watch yourself about complaining. 

What you're supposed to do 
when you don't like a thing is change it. 
If you can't change it, 
change the way you think about it.” 

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

My newest Mantra... Every Damn Day!

You don't have to be the strongest, fastest or smartest to be the best but... As long as you keep trying... pushing... recovering and choosing to never give up... you can be sure that there's a reward waiting at the end of the tunnel. It's a tried and true fact of life. Check it. Anyone who's ever succeeded at anything in life has had to encounter some form of failure along the way. 

Regardless of the venture, goal or dream, persistence is guaranteed to pay off in one way or the other... Reminding me of one of my most favorite quotes... "A big shot is just a little shot that kept on shooting".

Go hard, every damn day and you'll live a life of satisfaction knowing that your time on earth, which is very limited, is invested in something. A great mentor of mine has been known to popularly say, "Only a fool lives without goals".

I'll add one more gear to the above and say, if you keep at it, keep working, putting in time, sweat and effort, every damn day... you might surprise yourself at where you'll end up...

Give your personal best, 100%, everyday...

Every damn day!