
I started this blog to document motivational and educational materials I come across everyday and to proffer my view on issues closest to my heart: Human Development, poverty eradication, philanthropy, Africa and cultural diversity. I strongly believe that everyone has an unlimited potential for success and personal growth. It is a pity to leave the mind and heart, our most invaluable assets, to waste.

With a Masters degree in Economic Policy Analysis and Bachelors in Economics, I have a lifelong mission to invest my resources towards the development of human capital in the fields of Economic Development and Human Resource management. 

I have been lucky enough to spent over 10 years doing both personal and academic research on these issues. As a graduate student at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, I concentrated on International Economic Policy and focused my dissertation on Education and Diversity in sub-Saharan Africa. Countries with a higher ethno-linguistic fractionalization index (higher diversity ratio) are more likely to have a higher gross enrollment ratio into primary schools. As we embrace differences in others, we create a dynamite effect on growth, development and human capital.

Having lived and travelled to over 10 countries in three continents, I've learned that there's no right way of doing anything and I always look to learn as much as I can from cultural diversity. It's always in our best interests to focus on working together, as opposed to pointing out our differences. A lot more can be achieved that way.

In honor my father’s memory, a career diplomat, I have decided to invest my energy in advocating for growth and development of LDCs and represent a new breed of leaders who are not afraid to speak up for the less privileged and make tangible differences.

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