I've thought about starting a blog several times before but, only recently did I realize that my passion to write and share my ideas with the world can no longer be constrained. So many great men have passed away without documenting their thoughts, passions and expertise. My father, (Amb)Lawrence Akindele, was one of them. The greatest diplomat and linguist Africa has ever produced & I think its a pity that he never got around to publish many of his writings and book projects.
We are living in a world where there's no excuse not to write, and as a result, cement our legacies in our own words. The act of writing forces you to utilize all phases of the creative process and come up with a tangible product.
A few days ago I was reading, "Socrates: A life Examined" by Luis Navia, and I thought it was fascinating that Socrates died over 24 centuries ago and he never had any writing attributed to him, but we still refer to him to this day. It was his students who shared his teachings and knowledge with the world and today his name is synonymous to knowledge itself. I strongly believe that old literature never dies.
It is on this premise that I have decided to start a blog titled, "My Manifesto". A blog dedicated to living life with the motivation, innovation and enthusiasm to succeed. I completely agree with this quote: "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me".
I have chosen to examine my life and take you on a journey to the ultimate discover of self and I hope that you too will choose to do the same.
Apt title. The name "My Manifesto" is a clear declaration that Dele Akindele has arrived on the world stage!